Showing posts with label recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recipe. Show all posts
Recipe makes pesticide plants
  • Aromatic Plants / attractant caused containing methyl  euganol to trap fruit flies / insects: Basil (Ocimum.sp) and Melaleuca bracteataPesticides from tilapia fish can cope with eggplant and bitter melon crop pests. How to make organic pesticides from tilapia fish:
  1. 1 kg of tilapia fish pond, put into plastic, left for 3 days
  2. Then boiled in two liters of water for two hours and filtered.
  3. Can be used directly or added to tobacco ago
  • Other organic pesticides can be obtained from the mahogany seeds, turmeric, ginger, lemongrass and chilli. Making the mashed, given water, squeezed and filtered. For the chili while spraying should be careful not to turn on the humans.Pesticides from mahogany to tackle pest plant eggplant and bitter melon. Turmeric, ginger, lemongrass plants to cope with mushrooms and fruit. Chilli to solve all kinds of pests except pests in the soil
  • Tackling disease on pepper curls, Material: brotowali (inospora rumphii Boerl) a kilogram (or leaves a bitter), 10 tablespoons of lime, turmeric one kilogram. How to make: three materials crushed and then mixed with water taken 30-50 liters of water. This material is ready for use to control diseases on chilli curls
  • Prevent ants in nurseries, Material: Turmeric (Rhizoma Domesticae Curcumae) 1ons, laos (Alpinia galanga) as much as one ounce Directions: turmeric and mashed laos then added enough water then strain. How to use: filter the resulting solution was put in a spray of water (10 liters), spray it on the day before the land is used for crop sowing and repeated three days after crop sowing
  • Controlling caterpillars on tomato plants, peppers, melons and watermelons, material: cigarette butts one ounce and seven liters of water. Directions: enter the cigarette butts in water. Leave for 4-7 days. Strain the solution in order to obtain clean water. Use it to control Pests that attack crops. Spraying in the morning and evening
  • Curl disease on chili, Material: ash kitchen two pounds, tobacco ¼ kg, sulfur three ons. how making: three ingredients soaked in water for 3-5 days. Filter the soaking water and spray on plants curl disease. Either way, it could also sprinkle directly on the plant ash kitchen with the disease
  • Plant hopper Controlling, Material: amethyst two points, jenu one kilogram. Directions: The second material is boiled with water to boiling. Strain the water. How to use: every one liter of boiled water mixed with 16 liters of water. Spray on plants planthopper pests infestation. Locusts, Material: brotowali one kilogram and amethyst two. How to make: two ingredients are boiled with one liter of water. Cooking water and then filtered. The mixture solution with 16 liters of water. Use to control locusts that attack plants. Spraying in the morning and evening
  • For Pest Control in Onion, Ingredients: 1 kg of neem leaves, yam tuber poison 2 pieces, a little detergent serves as adhesive leaves, water 20 liters. Making way: neem leaves and tubers of yam finely ground. Furthermore, all ingredients evenly mixed one in the 20 liters of water, and precipitated overnight. The next day the solution was filtered with a soft cloth and add diterjen. Spray the onion crop
  • Remedy for controlling Trips on chili, Material: 50-100 pieces soursop leaves, detergent or soap and water 16 grams dab 5 liters Making way soursop leaves are finely ground mixed with 5 liters of water and precipitated overnight. The next day the solution was filtered with a soft cloth. Each 1 liter of distillate is diluted with 10-15 liters of water. The solution was sprayed on the entire plant is ready for chili.
  • Remedy for controlling Trips, aphids, and aphids, Material: Leaves prestige-prestige 2, 5 kg of water and 7.5 liters. Making way prestige-prestige crushed leaves (blender) until smooth, then add water (concentration 25%) and permentasikan for 1 day. Then strain the extract and add 5 grams diterjen. Spray on plants.
  • Controlling armyworms, caterpillars and other insects, Material: a handful of leaves gamal (one kilogram), five liters of water, 250 mg of tobacco smoking (already dirokok). How to make: a handful of finely ground leaf gamal. Mix with water and boil. Let cool then add tobacco and stir until the water turns into a bit black / red. How to use: every 250 cc of water solution mixed with 10 liters of water. Use it to control pests that attack crops.
  • For General Pest Control, Material: 8 kg of neem leaves, galangal 6 kg, 6 kg lemongrass, 20 grams of detergent, water 20 liters. Making way neem leaves, galangal, and lemongrass ground. All the materials evenly stirred in 20 liters of water, and then soaked for 24 hours. The next day the solution was filtered with a soft cloth. Screening results plus diterjen solution and diluted with 60 liters of water, can be used for an area 1 ha. Spray on  plant
  • Remedy for controlling disease Antraknose, galangal rhizome Ingredients 1 kg and 2 liters of water. Making way Iris rhizome galangal, duplicate and place it on the sun to dry. Then chopped galangal rhizome up into small pieces. Next enter 2 l distilled water to the pan, heat with a small flame gas burner / stove oil, ginger rhizome and enter earlier into the pan evaporation. Water distillates stored in glass beaker. Spray distilled water with 15% concentration in plants attacked Antraknose evenly. Application time should be in the afternoon
  • Pesticide plant neem leaves and yam tuber effective for controlling caterpillars and sucking pests, Material: neem leaves, yam tubers, Detergents, Air Tool: Weighing Equipment The mixing stirrer Saringan.Cara pounder Making: How to manufacture pesticide plant neem leaves and tubers of yam is as following.
  1. Finely crushed 1 kg of neem leaves and 2 pieces of yam tubers poison, added to 20 liters of water + 10 g of detergent, stir until smooth
  2. Let stand overnight soaking it.
  3. Filter results immersion solution with a soft cloth. Spray a solution of screening results to planting
Recipe makes pesticide plants